Saturday, January 18, 2020

01/18/2020 Saturday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Marilyn, Diane, Philomene and I headed out to the point together
Many visitors and hikers were out enjoying another windy blustery dry day.
When we got to the point RN58 Luana was down near the waterline of Main Beach.  R330 Squinty was in the pool and went for a quick swim on the outside. He came back and went straight towards her.  Shortly after another big seal enter the pool Squinty was extremely protective and possessive of Luana. It took us a while to ID RR70 Rip because he was in the water. The little white bleach on his muzzle helped to ID him till we got to see his tags.
RL74 Kami had Back beach all for herself. On RL12 Aukai favorite spot little RL98 Lina was sleeping peacefully. Dozens and more dozens of people came by and she didn't seemed disturbed in the least.
We were 4 doing outreach and it was a very successful day.  More soon ğŸŒº

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