Tuesday, January 21, 2020

01/21/2020 Tuesday (part two) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

We flew in from Kauai in the early morning, saw sunrise but alas no whales. (welcome home :-)
I made it on time for a meeting than in the early afternoon we hiked out to the point while doing assessment.
RR70 Rip was hauled out at Hidden Beach. Seems he does enjoy his time alone.
We then passed the TRIO Snow Geese out at The Ponds.
We got to the NARS and during our meeting Keira told us their were 4 seals down at the point. As we got there 2 groups of visitors were keeping distance enjoying watching the seals.
R330 Squinty and RW02 PVKauai were in the Main Pool - PVKauai has 2 new "punctures" on the top of his neck, they are clean, with no blood or blubber showing.
On Back Beach RO40 Ka'ena was down near the waterline in "his" spot. Further to the side
little RL74 Kami was sleeping peacefully.
I was looking forward to put my eyes on little RL70 Lina but alas she wasn't around. Perhaps tomorrow
There weren't many whale sightings on our way in but while at the point we saw a good session of tale slapping and heading back several breaches.
On the West side we saw a big pod of Spinners playing around peacefully with NO tour boats around     More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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