I met with up with Marilyn to return the scope since she is back on island. Although it was overcast we did take a quick peek at Rabbit Island. We found two critters at the far left on Left Point Beach, but since we didn't stay long IDs were not happening.
UU#1 most likely an adult seal with a newer coat, unknown gender. It was unclear if there was a NB on left side or if it was just sand. UU#2 was closer to the cliff face, appears to be smaller in size but also with a newer coat. No possible ID on gender.
Team Billand found Lei Ola RH48 at 7 am on the west side. She is looking good, no new markers, healthy. This was visit number one for the day.
Then at 10:30 thru 1 pm they were back on site and now Lei Ola was with Ka'ale RH32 who was staying very close to her. He was holding her belly with his flippers and if she moved he held on tighter.
To the right of Ka'ale and Lei Ola was RH76 Kala. She was on lower rocks and Ka'ale did not bother her, but then again he had his flippers full with Lei Ola.
Just an interesting note, all three critters were born in 2016 and will be turning 4 this year. Very close to maturity, just saying.
Team Billand did see an adult seal foraging doing 7 minute dives. No ID, clean body with tags. As an added bonus there were whales in the area too.
Team Billand got a message about 3ish of a seal in the nimitz area. They went to search the area and came around RH92 Nalani on shore. There were a couple of people there, one gentleman needed to be educated on keeping his distance. The other two ladies were interested in hearing about RH92.
At 3:30 Team Billand stopped by white plains and found a seal alert, resting with signs and ropes up. There was RV08 Buster! He has his new coat looking quite handsome, very aware of everyone out and about. Team Billand called the hot line and left a message.
Rabbit Island UU#1
Ka'ale and Lei Ola
UU foraging
Whales off shore
Lei Ola RH48 and Ka'ale RH32
Lei Ola RH48
RH32 Ka'ale
RH76 Kala
Ka'ale and Kala
RH92 Nalani
Buster Rv08
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