Team Billand found da Benny RE74 /E43 snoozing under a tree at plains. He was alone and dry indicating he had been there for a while. Team Billand was thrilled to find him since it has been a while. Benny is looking good, no new wounds, that were visible. He's just looking like an old man since he is going on 18 this August.
During their lunch, they got word of another seal at Plains, so they headed back. This time they found Buster boy RV08 snoozing by the guards. He was very alert, flipped over looking around.
Team Billand noted that the beach erosion is pretty significant. All their years they have never seen it this bad, pipes sticking out exposed, all the rocks and concrete exposed.
Team Billand got to the west side after 1 pm and found Nalu R3CX/CZ on the upper rocks sleeping alone. His tags were showing and he remained there the entire time they were there.
Then Team Billand saw a seal to the right in the seal inlet area. They spotted the cookie scar and bleach mark on his butt. They also noticed for the first time a natural bleach on his left fore flipper.
There was a seal so well hidden in the rocks to the right that it took
some waiting to get an ID. They were able to ID Kalani RN14 who was bone dry, but finally moved and showed his tags.
They also found Kawena RH36 who was in the same spot as yesterday. She was sleeping, tags showing, her hooking scar visible. They did notice she had small bite marks or some kind wound on her hind flippers, nothing serious.
Kawena is looking peaceful and thankfully the none of the boys bothered her today.
Benny RE74
Buster RV08
beach erosion
R3CX/CZ Nalu
Kalani RN14
Kawena RH36
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