There was a little mix up with email accounts, but here is Lesley's update from Wednesday 1/8 :

We had a festival of rainbows, between many squalls. I made it to the point just after first day light, then again a coulpe of times when big groups of hikers came in to do outreach.
RFL12 Aukai and yesterdays U/M were exactly where I left them yesterday. The "new dude on the rock" ain't that new with the photo documentation I sent in our "Sensei" IDed him as R339 "he has been in Kauai for the last few years, but he was first seen on Oahu way back in 2016 at KPt, at that time he was called Temp 410 until he was given a new permanent ID".

Little RL74 Kami hauled out and made her way to her nook among some rocks where she spent the rest of the day.
I then saw a head bobbing up ad down in the outer pool. RO40 Ka'ena later hauled out and took over the center island of the Main Pool.
I'd like to thank our team of Sealettes from all rocks for sharing information and always stepping up to help solve our favorite puzzles "whoz this seal?". What great family we are
More tomorrow
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