Team Billand found a critter as soon as they headed out along the coast. They spotted a seal alone on shore snoozing. They were able to ID RW02 PvKauai surrounded by some junk (trash). They called the hotline to report.
Next stop by the outfall they spotted two seals again playing near where the divers enter the water. Both seals were very active and playful. There were no diver interactions.
Then at a west side location they found Kekoa RK72 already hauled up on lower rocks snoozing.
They spotted a seal off shore foraging doing 7 minute dives. He eventually hauled up to lower rocks with no interaction with the other seals. They ID'd RIP RR70.
Then they noticed way to the right on lower rocks a seal snoozing. It was R3CX Nalu with his butt in the water on his back. He then moved into a shallow water hole. He kept to himself and rested.
Team Billand headed back out to check other locations and near the outfall they spotted RN14 Kalani just coming in onto the rocks. There was a dog from one of the camps nearby. Hopefully it's a well behaved pooch and will not bother the seal.
RW02 PvKauai
Two seals frolicking
RK72 Kekoa
RG28 Lefty
Kekoa hauled out
Nalu R3CX
RN14 Kalani
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