Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from the parking lot of Makai Pier on two occasions today. First session was about 12:30 to 1 pm and the second session was in the afternoon 3:15 to 3:50. Viewing conditions were a challenge to say the least between the wind and overcast skies.
There were three seals left of the 1BS.
Seal #2, juvenile male, light colored belly and two tags. J/M moved over to join the J/F.
Seal #3, unknown adult down closer to waterline. Marilyn never saw it's belly or tags.
There was a lone seal up in the morning glory right of the 3BS.
Seal#4 unknown juvenile never showed it's belly or tags.
After Team Billand checked the south west quadrant plains area they got a call of a seal at KoOlina. When they got there a huge RW22 Kolohe out cold on shore alone. Robert put some signs out to help keep people back.
As an added bonus while watching over Kolohe they spotted a Heron eating a fish, and yes he swallowed the fish whole.
Team Billand called the hotline and left the area at 10 am.
Team Billand made it back to the west side and at 10:40 am they
spot RIP on lower rocks snoozing with RL20 Kalua who was sniffing out RIP. RIP became vocal with him to let him know to back off. RL20 tried once more to pass RIP, but that wasn't going to happen. RIP once again became very vocal and this time RL20 got the message. (respect your elders).
Meantime Team Billand got a call of a seal at plains. But before they could leave to check it out there were two other seals together on mid rocks to the right. There was RH76 Kala and R3CX, both seals were getting wet with the incoming waves and then they galumphed higher inland and up.
Kala RH76 moved to the left followed by R3CX and then they both seals chilled in the howling wind and rain.
On their way over to plains they made one stop at noontime and found Kawena RH36 on the rocks with another seal. Initially getting his ID was tough because he was well hidden and just when they were ready to give up there was a bit of a commotion between the two critters. Team Billand was able to check it out and ID Lefty RG28.
Finally they made it out to plains and by tower 2 they found Buster RV08 alone and snoozing. There were lots of people out despite the weather. The good news is they were respectable, at least while Team Billand was there. They called the hotline to inform.
Just after 1 pm Team Billand made a stop at Kermits Cove on the idea that since Buster was at plains there may be a female in the area. They were spot on, as there was a seal in the water hanging out by the reef. When they went to check they saw Pohaku RO28 floating along the reef, so they stayed and watched, as there was a youngster and his dog in the area. They watched Pohaku who never hauled out all the way. She would disappear for a bit and then pop up again, most likely foraging in the area.
Team Billand waited to see if she would haul out and when she didn't they left the site.
3 seals on Rabbit Island
Kolohe RW22
Heron having some breakfast
RIP RR70 and RL20
RL20 Kalua
R3CX and RH76
RH76 Kala
Lefty RG28
Kawena and Lefty
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