Friday, January 24, 2020

01/24/2020 (part 2) Friday Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Another blue sky day, smaller waves and a light breeze
I made it out to the point after several stops. After a quick meeting with the film crew I met with Diane and Suzie who had hiked in from the Keawa'ula side.
They had already seen RL12 Aukai and R330 Squinty on Back Beach - alas when we made it back there they had left and I didn't see them again to day.
When we met they were looking for RL74 Kami where Team T&D and I saw her yesterday. I had to go down the side of the hill and spotted her tugged in some rocks. She spent all day there. When I checked in the late afternoon she was in a little pooh pool.
On the flats near Main Beach the girls pointed out RL98 Lina to me. She spent all day there.
When we got to Main Beach 2 seals were going at it in the outer pool. They turned out to be RR70 RIP and a UU. I spent the rest of the day waiting to see it's bellie but alas shy kid didn't show it. I documented him and sent it to our senseis all around. Perhaps we'll get an answer soon.
While we were there 3 very nice ladies talked story with us till one mentioned my sister used to be a volunteer, I asked her who and we all had a good chuckle when she said Colleen Heyer. Yup we know "Rocky's" mom very well. She may no longer be a volunteer but will always be one of us "Sealettes".
Mid afternoon a seal did a swim by and headed to Mokulei'a side. I followed him and saw him hauling in to Ka'ena's Pool  - it was RO40 Ka'ena himself.
On my way out I stopped again at Hidden Beach and there was our girl RN58 Luana warming up peacefully in the sun

In the Albatross world we are patiently waiting for our first hatchings - apparently today 2 eggs were already in the process (it takes about 4 days !!!).
I brought one back this week from Kauai ğŸ˜‰ to give to Keira & Matt, the film crew
The TRIO Snow Geese is still around and I get to see them everyday. They are changing their winter coats and are a sight to see.   More tomorrow🌺

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