Another cold windy blustery wet morning. As much as I love to be out at dawns I this week has been a real challenging one because of the cold wet weather. All I can say here is the job we are working on has been very successful despite the weather and the light has been giving great documentation moments.

Doing a walk around the NARS at day break I saw a different rock on one of the small beaches, so I went down to check and IDed
R3CU when I left in the afternoon he was still there.
At day break I went down to the point and found 2 big male seals on Main Beach RO40 Ka'ena & R339 (M). R339 made his way down to the water and did full body 360 perfect for getting a full body documentation, he played the hippo for a longtime in the pool while Ka'ena just slept away.

On my second check mid morning Ka'ena was on the reef island and R339 that had been swimming on the outside came back into the pool and sneaked his way to Ka'ena. He made it till he touched Ka'ena with his muzzle. Ka'ena woke up startled and they both had some words before entering the deep side of the pool and play the hippos.
On Back Beach little RL98 Lina was tugged up in her Naupaka spot. People barely notice her there.
Back home I checked the beaches and didn't see any seals or trails.
Haven't seen the Trio of Snow Geese in a couple of days but I've been getting sighting reports from posses.
All report done, to a warm shower I'll go. More tomorrow

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