Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January 1, 2020 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update


 It was a very busy day in the park but I was able to document a couple of seals and our 3 Snow Geese visitors
RN58 Luana was just hauling out at Hidden Beach as I stopped to check. I had to wait for her to dry up a little to check her markings for ID
At the point crowds of adoring fans (just like DB would say) were on RL74 Kami  & RO40 Ka'ena as they were resting on the Main Beach.
 I spent several hours doing outreachKa'ena made his way down to the water line and back up the beach several times while little Kami barely moved. She finally woke up an started her way down to the pool but never made it there. She stopped besides some rocks turned over and went to sleep. Her wound looks better everyday.
More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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