Team Billand was up and at em before the sun came up. They headed over to KoOlina to see if Pohaku had returned but they did not see her at the lagoon. A little later they checked several other close by locations and spotted her about 300 feet off shore, logging. She was breathing above the water dunking her head down and every 15 minutes lifting her head. They eventually lost sight of her.
At 10 am Team Billand spotted RG28 Lefty at a haul out by the outfall. He was alone, snoozing on the rocks. On their second check he was in the water hole alone and snoring.
Whales were off the coast and Team Billand managed to catch a nice fluke shot.
From here Team Billand headed over to westside location where they spotted four critters:
RL20 Kalua, R3CX Nalu, RN14 Kalani, and a U/U.
On a second check of the location R3CU joined the party, all other critters were still there.
At 2 pm Team Billand made a quick stop and spotted an adult seal at Campells foraging doing 7 minute dives. They were unable to make an ID.
On their way home they got a call of a seal at white plains, but they were so exhausted they just called it into the hotline and did not go. HOPEFULLY a volunteer was able to respond.
Pohaku RO28
RG28 Lefty
U/U foraging
Whale fluke
R3CX/CZ Nalu
RL20 Kalua
RN14 Kalani
UU @ Campbells
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