Saturday, January 25, 2020

01/25/2020 Saturday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Wow what a day!  After the downpour in the middle of the night we were surprised to see the size of those waves.
It has been the biggest swell on this side (during the day)
Waves washed across the road at the entrance of the park, covered Hidden Beach all the way to the trees, made all the pools in the NARS dispear in one big white wash.
I though I wouldn't see a seal, but as I made it to Back Beach RR70 RIP and younger brother RO40 Ka'ena were there. They had overnighted. When I last checked in the afternoon they were still there.
A group of local Japanese that do a yearly hike out came today. I was sitting on the Big Rock facing Keawa'ula side and they were bellow me on Main Beach. Suddenly the excitement in their voices told me there was a seal. I turned around and saw RL74 Kami surf a wave on to the beach. The set were half way up the coral beach. She "collapsed" beside a rock for a couple of minutes then galumphed her way up to safer grounds.
I headed back to meet the film crew for our last meeting at the point - where did the month go ???
I'm happy to inform we have our first Albatross hatching and more to come in the next days and weeks. Soon we'll see those little fur balls peaking from under their parents.
As I was hiking out I stopped by one of the small beaches and by chance came up on RL98 Lina. She was high and dry, out cold to the world. She definitely overnighted in that spot.

More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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