Friday, January 17, 2020

01/17/2020 Friday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was a windy blustery kind of day, also my favorite ones. The ones you open the front door the news paper flies across the house and sticks to the kitchen door were you can read it standing up.
My morning started checking on RR70 Rip who spent the night at CE Pt. I just went by and he was still there.
The TRIO Snow Geese were near The Ponds and spent all day there and the Albatross were EVERYWHERE. We also got to see several whales breaches and lots of splashes.
At the point  RN58 Luana and R330 Squinty were hauled out on the reef island of the Main Pool.
Many visitors and hikers were out, enjoying the break in the rain before the wet weekend ahead.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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