Justin sent word he spotted 5 seals at Ka'ena Point today. He was only able to get tag shots on three of them confirming PvKauai RW02 tag# W76/77, RL74 Kami L74/75 and RL70 L70 tag and L14 bleach (our little female from Molokai). Thank you Justin for sharing!
Team Billand spotted a seal foraging at the outfall early this morning. They were able to ID RG28 Lefty. He went out to the left of the outfall and was feeding on something they couldn't identify. He spent a long time mouthing and diving at it, until the scuba folks came in and then Team Billand lost sight of RG28.
Team Billand checked a nearby beach were they spotted RG28 Lefty had just hauled out, and he was alone. While watching over Lefty they spotted whales and the dolphins were jumping.
Team Billand got a call of a seal at KoOlina in the water. When they got to the site they saw signs but no seal but then spotted Pohaku RO28 in the shallows, rolling and logging. A wave surge came and rolled her over. After some time Pohaku finally hauled out. Team Billand spent time educating folks while out there, while volunteers were on site watching over Pohaku.
While talking to the beach goers Team Billand noticed another seal on shore across from Pohaku.
When they got over to the seal they were able to ID Nalani RH92. The crowds began to gather and were getting so close RH92 looked up and barked. Robert went to inform the volunteers.
Meanwhile Barbara was dealing with one lady with her kid standing right next to RH92 and eventually got them to move back. It is extremely frustrating and exhausting to deal with people who insist on getting close to the seals. Especially when there are young children involved, the adults should know better. Finally security arrived and one of the volunteers who put up signs.
Just before noon Team Billand arrived at a westside beach and found RL20 Kalua with R3CX Nalu up on lower rocks together sleeping.
On a later visit Kalua made it to the water hole and Nalu remained on lower rocks.
They also found Kawena RH36 up to the right sound a sleep laying on her side.
She remained in the same spot on their last check.
While watching over Kawena, Kalua, and Nalu they spotted a seal swimming off shore. It never landed and they were unable to make any kind of ID.
Melody was in Waikiki today to follow up with a White Tern juvenile she rescued yesterday at the
Outrigger Canoe Club yesterday. Great news he's been reunited with his parents! While in the neighborhood she decided to go check the beach and she found Kaiwi RK96 on the beach snoozing. She was very dry indicating she had been there for a while. Lots of people on the beach and Kaiwi had a small SRA set around her. In spite of most people being respectful there was one guy who was ready to go sit next to her for the photo op. Melody was able to run interference and explain the seal was an endangered species and needed space. She was very persuasive in getting him to understand it wasn't a good idea. Good job Melody!
RW02 PvKauai
Kami RL74
Little Molokai Girl
RG28 Lefty - Hauled out
RG28 Lefty foraging
Pohaku R028
RH92 Nalani
THIS is just wrong!
R3CX Nalu
Nalu R3CX and RL20 Kalua
Kawena RH36
UU foraging
Rabbit Island U/M
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