Thursday, January 23, 2020

01/23/2020 Thursday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Point

Made it into the park nice an early. Yesterday's swell peaked in the middle off the night, all the beaches were completely washed no landing for seals.
At the point RL12 Aukai, R330 Squinty and RO40 Ka'ena overnighted on Back Beach had been there for 30 minutes or so when I saw a little seal between the Naupaka and the big rock it was RL70 Leina. She had not been there when I first checked yet she was completely dry so it's a mystery where she was till she made it there. I must have walked right by her a couple of times.
Many hikers were at the point, Team T & D arrived and we spent hours doing outreach.
Mid morning RR70 RIP swam into the Main Pool took his time and finally hauled out and galumphed all the way up the beach. RO40 Ka'ena left and we didn't see him again. RL70 Leina woke up and made her way down Back Beach, she heard Aukai sneeze and turned in that direction. Squinty did one big bark and the little girl, stopped on her track turned away and went back up the beach, It's the 2nd time in a couple of days that I see Squinty behave like that. Very protective and possessive of the hapai seal beside him. First RN58 Luana and today Aukai.
When we started heading out Tammy spotted little RL74 Kami hauled out solo on a small beach.
The waves were still enormous, the sea was clear, the sky blue and a breeze was coming from the West side. Whales, albatrosses, spinners, snow geese, koleas and HMseals we saw them all.   More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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