Saturday, July 30, 2022

07/30/2022 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

At 6:20 am Team R&B noticed that Kaale RH32 was foraging in the outfall and was alone. He would venture out of the outfall and then came back in. He was munching on something, they couldn't figure it out what it was but he was munching. They left to get junior sealette. 
They returned and Kaale wasn't in the outfall. But they did find him trying to snooze on the rocks. He was alone but kept looking at something and kept turning. Team R&B started to scan the area and came back to find he left the rocks. Guess he was still hungry and returned to the outfall.

Team R&B went to another west side location and upon arrival someone had started yet another fire,
this time it was a 55 gallon drum, which someone puts out for all to use.  Such a shame so many fires.
They did find on the rocks little RP30 Puka fast a sleep.  
Later they made another check and RP30 was still snoozing in the exact same spot. 

They also checked the bay and found RM31 Kai in the company of RL20 Kalua. They met up with an old seal friend and was delighted to see her. They talked seal story about Benny, Pohaku and others. Always good to bump into an old seal bud.

Next Team R&B arrived at another site and saw a seal taking off. They got a few shot and managed to IF RL42. They lost side of her, not sure which direction she went.
They looked all over the place and finally as they were going home they spotted a seal on shore. They pulled over and it was RL42 Leia. People were thrilled to see her, some were a little close but left her alone. 

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:45 to 2:00 and there were four seals on island today (and three 2 legged beasts.)
Initially in the Middle Cliff area was a S/F: subadult size, new coat, light female belly and two red tags. At 12:23 the S/F was scared into the water by a net fisherman on the island. About 5 minutes later, Marilyn thinks the same seal hauled out on LPB.
Near SRI was a S/M: subadult to adult size, older coat, brown male belly, and two red tags. Marilyn thought she spotted a scar on the right rear side which would suggest RK24, but the ventral side seemed darker than RK24's.
About noon Marilyn located weaner RQ76 among the waterfront rocks between 1BS and 2BS. She did not react when the three people walked by her.
At 12:51, weaner PO7 hauled out on the Lanikai side of LPB. She might have hauled out earlier, but the three people had been collecting opihi and throwing net in that area. PO7's applied bleach was visible today.
Since landing in Rabbit Island is not allowed a call was place to the DOCARE hotline.

RM31 & RL20
Rabbit Island

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