Saturday, July 2, 2022

07/02/2022 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 2:05 and there were EIGHT seals on Island today. (although she only has photos of seven).
Most Lanikai direction on LPB was MO6 and PO6. They were initially in the water when she arrived but hauled out onto LPB about 12:23. PO6 then nursed. At some point Marilyn realiszed they had re-entered the water and hauled out again. MO6 is looking thinner.
In the wave wash of LPB was MO7 and PO7. Marilyn observed one nursing session. About 1:00 PO7 entered the water attracting the attention of an adult male who entered the water with Mom and Pup for about 45 minutes.
Further Makapuu direction on LPB was the above mentioned A/M and RK37.
A/M: adult size, dark male belly and at least one red tag.
RK37: subadult size, lighter female belly, two red tags and nb on lower left side.
Closer to the 1BS on LPB was a S/F: subadult to adult size, greenish female belly and two red tags.
The A/M left RK37 to go check out the S/F who was not happy with his attention. Sometime later, the A/M returned to RK37 and then turned his attention to MO7-PO7. This for sure is cruiser male behavior.
Marilyn was on a phone call with DB's brother K.C., a S/M started to haul out to the S/F. But the S/M came charging chasing the S/M back into the water. 
S/M: subadult size, lighter male belly and two red tags. Unfortunately Marilyn didn't get any photos of the interaction.

Team R&B started out very early morning and found R3CX Nalu alone on the rocks. It appeared like he had recently arrived.

They decided to take a westerly route today, since the other sites have no seals for awhile. They spotted another male who turned out to be RH32 Kaale. He was alone snoozing on the rocks. RL42 dumped him after yesterday, his being a butthead.

Their next find was RM31 Kai who was alone. He was snoozing on the rocks with a couple of hermit crabs crawling on him. He would swat them off when they bugged him.
Off to the left was their special boy RP84 Pe'ekai. He was snoozing away and alone. It was a little difficult to get a good photo since he was mostly hidden.

They went to make the Ka'ena West trek but the gates were closed until about 9 AM.  While being out there early they saw some dolphins passing by the area. 
They did the hot hike out and there were skunked not seals.
When they got back to the car they drove along the coast and from the car they spotted  a seal from afar.  They headed over and made another walk in the hot sun to check it out. There was RN14 Kalani.
One of the fishers told them two sharks just passed him, he was shocked to see them.  Team R&B looked but did not see anything.
A friend was in the area and came down to watch over Kalani. All was good until tow ladies came over and initially they were at a good distance, even though Kalani was very alert, rolled over and left the area.
They also saw a large honu land on shore. Not more than 10 minutes people were running over, and the turtle took off.
Rabbit Island
Nalu R3CX
RH32 Kaale
RM31 Kai
RP84 Pe'ekai

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