Saturday, July 23, 2022

07/23/2022 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:30 to 2:20 and there were five seals on island.
Way back on the beach, Lanikai side of LPB was weaner PO7 Mahina. She did roll over once but that was about all the activity Marilyn saw today. Marilyn commented that she doesn't know what she does the other 22 hours of the day. <----  This made me laugh out loud for real.
In the middle of LPB was weaner RQ76 Malama. She was visible when Marilyn first arrived but then she moved into a depression and it was difficult to see her.

In the Middle Cliff area was the molting Adult Female: adult to subadult size, two red tags, light new
female belly. She looks to be about 95% molted with only a few scraps of old fur on her mid dorsal area. She was partially hidden behind the waterfront rocks.

Out on the rock flats of RRB was a Subadult Female: subadult size, new coat, female belly. This is most likely RK37 Hui'a, but Marilyn never saw her NB on the lower left side.  She was initially alone until....

Soon after Marilyn noticed an Adult Male had hauled out at one of the surge channels of RRB: large adult, dark male belly, not sure about tags. He then galumphed over to the SF who turned the other way and moved away from him. He hung around for awhile, but headed into the water and left about 1:00 pm.

At first light Team R&B drove over to see if Lefty and R308 were still around. (R308 is the female with the right blind eye and facial scars) There were big wallows but neither seal was there, so they removed the signs and flags for the Lifeguards and put them back at the tower.
They did see movement and in the low light they saw dolphins in the water.

At Kahe they were gazing at the water there were lots of snorkelers, divers and paddlers. Then they spotted two seals, Lefty RG28 was on the rocks, with his applied bleach showing.  To his right was RL08 hiding in the rocks.

Next stop, when they arrived they had no idea how they spotted this seal from a distance.  They made a
long walk and there the seal was snoozing all alone on a small patch of sand.
It was the lovely female from Kure Atoll KG54/G89 Huaka'i. They confirmed her ID by clean coat and tags. Just as they walked around, suddenly a huge dog started barking at them. Scary enough to almost pee your pants.  They gingerly moved away and left the area.

On their last stop they were busy trying to ID one seal on the rocks when they notices another seal near by and looked like it just arrived. RL42 Leia was snoozing, did some stretching like she was just waking up from a long nap. By her was RN14 Kalani, who was intently watching Leia. It seemed as though RN14 was interested in some romance, but all the males seem to have that intention.
Upon their last check, RN14 Kalani and RL42 Leia were gone.  He probably made his move and she took off with him chasing her.

Rabbit Island
Kalani and Leia 

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