Monday, July 25, 2022

07/25/2022 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Melody, Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Melody sent photos of Rocky and PO8 from today. They had a very quiet day, well quiet compared to yesterday. The little stinker stole someone's slipper, a nice one too.
On Team R&B's first stop they waited around looking, finally spotting a seal coming in. The seal had a nice coat, female, small like scares on right side of cheek. Then the clue that did it, gray tags, it's KG54. She landed and went into snooze mode. Her right fore flipper has a small wound that looks pink. Along with KG54 the dolphins were out playing as usual.
Another seal came in, approaches KG54, she grumbles, turns and left.
They couldn't make an ID and was reported as a U/M. 
Then they saw another critter they rarely see. It is definitely an unknown/Mongoose. 

Team R&B headed off to another location and didn't see any seals. From afar they noticed signs with flags, so they went to check it out. There were two seals on shore and two boogie board guys barking like sea lions. One seal RN14 Kalani let out a loud warning bark.  RN14 was with Aukai RL12 formerly known as MO7! She has
landed! She was very aware of the two boys. Aukai is looking good, and RN14 was being very protective of her.

Last stop they saw a seal from a distance as they passed the area. They hurried back and discovered Nalu R3CX, alone on shore.
As they were leaving, people were arriving so they stuck around for a bit. After yesterdays incident just want to make sure people were being respectful.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 2:10 to 3:30 and there were five seals on island.
Four seals were on various parts of LPB:
Furthest Lanikai and back of LPB was an Adult Male: adult to subadult size, older coat, light male belly, unsure about tags.
A short distance Makapuu of the A/M was weaner PO7 Mahina. She's a chunk and had trouble rolling over. Her N1 bleach was visible as was her single tag on LRF.
About another 40 feet Makapuu of PO7 was weaner RQ76 Malama. She again moved in out of a depression in the sand.  
A little further toward the 1BS was a female that Marilyn believes to be RK37: new coat, light female belly, two red tags and a NB on her lower left side.

In the Middle Cliff area was what Marilyn is calling an Unknown Subadult: subadult size, new coat, at least one red tag; never saw the ventral side. The seal entered the water about 3 pm and was not seen again.

Rocky and PO8
KG54 Huaka'i
U/U and KG54
Aukai and Kalani
Nalu R3CX
Rabbit Island

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