Wednesday, July 27, 2022

07/27/2022 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Melody, Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Melody arrived at pup site about 830 this morning. Rocky and PO8 were swimming along the Natatorium wall. There were very people in the water, they were all at the opposite end of the beach.  Rocky and pup stayed along the wall for another half hour, while PO8 would dive and forage. (we should expect a sea cucumber explosion any day now). Mom and pup were barking back and forth. 
Then they made their way to the end of the wall and turned to the back of the Natatorium putting them out of sight. Melody couldn't see them but could hear them barking back and forth to each other. Some time passed when they didn't see or hear them. 
Waiting patiently, finally Mom and pup returned about an hour and half later. Everyone who was in their path got out of the water and PO8 and Rocky made their way onto the beach in front of the Lifeguard stand.  
They stayed while PO8 nursed and the two snoozed for a bit.  The ropes and signs had to be moved three times this morning because they were very active. It was nice that everyone pitched in to help and the crowds moved back with respect when asked.  When Melody left, Rocky and PO8 were back by the Natatorium wall galumphing their way up the sand as the tide rolled in.

Team R&B had a slow day even though they covered all the hotspots.
Finally later in the day they found a seal snoozing in shallows. There was RM31 Kai.  They noticed a
person near by with a big scoop net, but RM31 was fine, even when the woman walked right by Kai.
Once again the dolphins did not disappoint and entertained.  Team R&B even found a crab munching on some bait.

The only other seal they found was RL20 Kalua. They were happy to find him in his old stomping/galumphing grounds. He was trying to move up due to the rising tide.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 2:40 to 4:05 and there were three seals on island today.
On the Lanikai side of LPB was weaner RQ76 Malama. It appeared she had just hauled out. She moved a little further onto the beach and then went into snooze mode. She is small, but seems to be hanging in there.
A little distance from her was weaner PO7 Mahina. She moved around some, but was mostly in snooze mode. Marilyn could see the tag on her LRF, her chubby light female belly. 
It will be interesting to see if the weaners venture to another part of the island.
About 40 feet Makapuu of PO7 was an Adult Female: subadult to adult size, new coat, light female belly and two red tags. 

Rocky and PO8
nothing to see here
RM31 Kai
crab eating bait
Rabbit Island

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