Friday, July 15, 2022

07/15/2022 (part 2) Marilyn's Rabbit Island Update

I viewed Rabbit Island from Makai Pier from about about 12:20 to 2:25 pm today. There was some sun but there were lots of passing clouds and moderate breezes.

There were 8 HMS on RI today. An Adult Male (AM), (probably RG32), visited a number of the other seals multiple times, so there was lots of action. It is hard to include a timeline today.

Initially on LPB together were RL12 Aukai and her female pup, PO7.
They mostly slept until about 1:05 pm when PO7 started for the water. The Adult Male who was with another seal nearby, came around behind Mom, chased after the pup and interacted with PO7 for a minute or two before RL12 Aukai charged after them. As far as I can tell no harm came to any seals. RL12 and PO7 hauled out about an hour later and headed up to the back of the beach to nurse. The Adult Male (AM) returned to an Adult Female.

In the middle of LPB initially by herself was an Adult Female (AF): adult size, older coat, tannish-green female belly and two red tags. About 12:42 pm, the Adult Male hauled out to her and they had a protacted interaction. He hauled out to her again after he pestered PO7.

Soon after I started viewing at about 12:22 pm, RK37 Huia and the Adult Male(AM) hauled out near a Juvenile Female (JF) who was on shore between the 3BS and SRI.

RK37 Huia: subadult size, newly molted light gray female belly and two red tags. She appears to be 100% molted now.

Adult Male (AM): smaller adult size, older coat, brown male belly and two red tags.

Juvenile Female (JF): juvenile size, older coat, female belly and two red tags.

About 1:15 pm, weaner RQ76 (formerly PO6) hauled out on the shore fronting the 1BS. She played with some rocks, looked like she might try to climb the steep berm, but then settled down to snooze on the waterfront rocks. It looks like her belly has lost most of it's pup fur.

About 1:45 pm, a smaller seal hauled out on the 1BS side of LPB. I'm reasonably sure this is RP24 Mohala born on Rabbit Island on 03/20/2021 to RF34 Pua. RP24: juvenile, two red tags, nbs on both front flippers with more nb on the LFF. She appears to be about 40% molted, although she went up on the berm and it was hard to get a good view of her ventral side.

If you are confused, so am I.

Rabbit Island 

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