Saturday, July 16, 2022

07/16/2022 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Melody and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 1:55 in spite of the rain showers, and occasional sun.
There were nine seals on island today. 

In the middle of LPB was an A/F: adult size, tannish green female belly and two tags. Marilyn believes this is the same AF she reported yesterday in the same location.

RL12 Aukai and PO7 (Day 40) were in the water when Marilyn first arrived. They hauled out when Marilyn was sheltering from the rain. It was about 1:15 when she saw them. Aukai is till looking good, but she'll most likely wean the kid soon. There may be a slight trace of the N1 bleach NOAA tried to apply to PO7's back.

At 1:47 RP24 Mohala, juvenile female hauled out at the 1BS side of LPB. Her dorsal side is very green but it appears she has molted much of her ventral side.

RQ76 (PO6) was among the waterfront rocks a short distance Makapuu of the 1BS. she did not move around much today. There were trails up/down the dune behind her could have been from her. She is looking very small.

In the Middle Cliff area was a S/M: subadult size, older yellowish belly and two red tags. This may be RK24 but can not be sure.

Makapuu side of the 3BS were three seals:
U/J: juvenile size, two red tags and unknown sex. The U/J was being pestered by the adult male.
A/M: adult male size, older coat, dark brown belly and two tags.
RK37 Hui was slightly right of the UJ and AM. She is subadult size, newly molted, light female belly and two red tags. Her NB on her lower left side was visible. 

Melody went to visit Rocky RH58 and PO8 who is one week old today. There was lots of nursing, swimming and some snoozing in
between.  Rocky has started taking PO8 for swims out in front of the crowds and by the Lifeguards. Thankfully people were respectful for the most part. 

Team R&B starting out early morning and found two seals. They were both snoozing close to each other, it was RH32 Kaale and RL08. 
They were there before the huge waves started.  They ended up being the only two seal they saw today.
They did however see some dolphins at play.

Team R&B sent some photos of just how crazy and dangerous the huge waves were today on the west side.

Rabbit Island
Rocky and 1 week old PO8
RH32 & RL08
HUGE waves

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