Sunday, September 19, 2021

09/19/2021 Sunday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Before heading over to the pier Marilyn checked some of the beaches and lookouts. At spitting cave from 9:15 to 9:45. She spotted a seal in the water, appeared to be adult size, older coat with green on its muzzle. The seal was doing 7-8 minute dives and at least one tag was visible. 

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:05 to 1:15, there were four seals on island today. Near the 1BS was the 1st JF, juvenile size, old coat with lots of green, difficult to see but female belly and no tags. This could be the same green JF as last Sunday. 

At 12:15 Marilyn noticed the 2nd JF, on LPB. Juvenile size, new coat, female belly and two tags. This could be the JF Marilyn saw yesterday.

About 11:20 she noticed a seal hauled out on LPB. This seal was labeled at SAM, sub-adult size, new coat, light male belly and unknown if there were tags.

Soon after setting up she spotted a small seal about 60 ft from the 2BS.  Marilyn thinks this is weaner P04, small size, female belly and a single tag on RRF.

Team R&B started at the bay and saw three seals today. There was RL20 Kalua, RH32 Kaale, and the 3rd seal was Lefty RG28 who didn't stick around long enough for them to get a photo.  Along with the seals were 8 to 9 boats.  On their afternoon check they saw Kaale on the ocean side of the jetty. Kalua RL20 had hauled out and had a couple of visitors from California. Team R&B advised them not to get too close but there is always that one guy.

At another location they watched a seal swimming for an hour. They were able to ID Kolohe RW22 in the water with lots of swimmers, snorkelers and divers. His nose wound is still available.

Next they found Nalu R3CX in the same spot he's hanging out in the past days. He was on shore, all alone and getting some very restful sleep.

They did the Ka'ena west hike and got skunked. After the long walk back they noticed a seal on the rocks and pulled over to check. They were thrilled and surprised to see RP30 Puka. This is the farthest they have seen him. What a wonderful way to end the day.

Spitting Cave
Rabbit Island
RL20 Kalua
RH32 Kaale
Kolohe Rw22
Nalu R3CX
RP30 Puka

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