Monday, September 6, 2021

09/06/2021 Monday (Labor Day) Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:20 to 1:35 today and there were three seals during her observation.

At LPB there were the same two seal as yesterday. UF: subadult to adult size, newer coat, light female belly and two tags. UM: subadult to adult size, new coat, light male belly and two tags.  The UM entered the water about 11:42 heading in the Makapuu direction. About seven minutes later he hauled out between middle cliff and the 3BS, where he remained. At one point he appeared to be hugging a rock.

About 11:45, Marilyn became aware of a UJ, in a tidepool near SRI. The unknown juvenile moved up

the beach some, but it never gave Marilyn a good view of the belly. From the angle it appeared the entire ventral surface has molted. The sides and dorsal surface still had the older coat.

Team R&B had a crappy unpleasant day. The beaches were crowded, lots of tents, dogs on the loose, no parking, no masks worn, no social distancing and worse of all they only found one seal all day.

RL20 Kalua was foraging, moving slow with the many little boats in the bay. At first there were seven and 8 sail boats, then it turned into 12 little row boats later in the day. In the early morning the fishers were arguing with each other, boaters vs. fishers on the jetty.  RL20 only stayed by the end of the jetty all day.  They did see an adorable puppy, that always puts a smile on ones face.

Rabbit Island
RL20 Kalua
the crowds
and one cute pup

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