Friday, January 31, 2020

01/31/2020 Friday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Lesley. Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies.

Team Billand arrived at the outfall and saw two seal foraging. At first they were fighting, lots of splashing going on, then the two went their separate ways.  Team Billand "thinks" one of them was Kolohe but none of their photos gave them enough to confirm. The other seal unknown, so they both were reported as U/Us.

At 8:30 Team Billand found RN14 Kalani hauled out at a location by the outfall. He was on the rocks to the right trying hard to hang on as the waves were coming in.

At 9:30 they arrived at a west side location and there were multiple seals off shore fighting.  After about an hour they all came in one by one. First seal was RL20 Kalua who immediately pooped and moved to lower rocks. Behind him was Kekoa Alii RK72 who went around the rocks to only come through a small inlet. He turned on his side and went to sleep. 
Then RL20 settled in for a long nap being his cute self.
RW02 PvKauai galumphed in with RL20 had a moment to hug, then he settle on lower rocks. RW02 entered the playboy pond for a cool off, then left the pond and settled on the rocks.

Team Billand went back to check on Kalani RN14 at 12:30.  They found RG28 Lefty next to Kalani, they were both sleeping.
 Kalani RN14
 Kekoa RK72
 RL20 Kalua
 RW02 PvKauai
Lefty RG28 and Kalani RN14

01/31/2020 Friday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Two days ago Tammy saw a Booby near Hidden Beach. Yesterday she and Dave saw him again in the same spot. They noticed something was wrong and called me at the point. I met them and we tried to rescue him, alas he was on nasty sharp lava so we aborted our mission.
This morning I went out early, prepared to get him. Rescue was easy because he had moved to a better spot.
On my way back to the gate with him settled in the cage, I called the Hotline. Kelsie came to meet us to transport him to the vet.
Of course things weren't that smooth. As I was taking him out of our cage to transfer him to the transport box, he was wiggling around, I concentrated on his wings, let my guard down....  and smack ğŸ’‹ I got a Booby kiss on my lower cheek. Check out it's beak on the photos
After they left I turned around and went to the point. What a beautiful and very busy day. I spent so much time doing outreach that I barely had time to take photos, but managed to get a few good ones
From far I documented The TRIO Snow Geese - at home on big screen I noticed a photo-bomber on both pics
At the point RL98 Lina was hauled out bellow the big rock. It took her most of the morning but she made her way down to the Main Pool.
RN58 Luana was in the same spot she's been for the last 3 days - finally in peace cause R330 Squinty was no where around.

The highlight of the day was to document more albatross chicks. They are in full hatching mode out here.

Kimo and I were down doing our sunset walk and a big seal hauled out. To my surprise it was RG40 Holokai whom we haven't seen around here for a while. I'll check on him in the morning.    More tomorrow ğŸŒº

 Albatross chickie
 Boobie taken into for care 
 RL98 Lina
 Luana RN58
 snow goose
 snow geese

Thursday, January 30, 2020

01/30/2020 Thursday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Lesley, Posse Pal Vicki and Team T&D.

Vicki went up to the north shore today and on her way a critter at Hauula. There was a volunteer on site who was very busy. Vicki was unable to get confirmation on the seal's ID although she strongly suspects it was Sadie RB12. 

Vicki continued her adventure and found Mr. Holokai RG40 on
shore snoozing.  There were waves washing over over him and he continued to snooze until 3:45 when he entered the water.

Team T&D met up with Lesley at Hidden Beach on their way out to the point, Lesley was heading back.  In the seal world they found Kami RL74 on the waterline.  Squinty R330 and Luana RN58 were in the main pool.
In the bird world they saw 3 Laysan Albatross chicks! Let the fun and excitement begin in watching them grow.

Team Billand watched two critter  RG28 Lefty and RW22 Kolohe from the outfall. They never landed during their observation, just played in the water for hours.

LATER after 10 am they found Kolohe at KoOlina. He was alone and appeared to be tired. Auntie was keeping an eye on him.

Team Billand made multiple visits to a west side beach. On their first visit they found RK72 Kekoa and RW02 PvKauai.  Kekoa was
on lower rocks snoozing in peace.
RW02 was seen sleeping in the playboy pond stretched out like a person. He remained there the entire day. 

Their second visit they found RL20 Kalua on lower rocks, snoozing the day away in the hot sun.
To the right of him, was RIP RR70 on lower rocks, snoozing and flipping over and over to stay cool. He's a big boy! 

 Holokai G40
 Sadie ??  Is that you?
Luana and Squinty
 Kolohe Foraging
 RG28 Lefty
 Kolohe and Lefty
Kolohe visiting with Auntie Nettie
Kekoa Alii RK72
 RW02 PvKauai in the playboy pond
 RL20 Kalua