Wednesday, July 31, 2019

July 31, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

And back on the field I was early this morning.
Wrapped up with 5 seals - not bad.

1) RL20 "Kalua" was foraging so it took me a while to find him. But on one of his dives in a tide pool he wiggled his flippers with his tags and there I found him. Hours later on my way back he was hauled out, off to the world.

2) RN58 "Luana" had an overnight @ Hidden Beach - she was still there on my way out but had moved a little to cool off. While I was there doing outreach she had her head on the waterline, after being washed several times she turned around and galumphed up the beach. We may find her there in the morning. There was no sign of molting, she should be cracking any time now

3) RG28 "Lefty" was on a small beach we used to call "BG's Beach". I first smelled him then saw him. He had just rolled in his own fresh poo, there was more to the smell. That musky smell...molt ? Bingo on my way back he was still there, a little cleaner showing his bellie. His molt has started and is less than 5% (I do molt count by 5%, 10%,15%...)

4) RO40 "Ka'ena" was hauled out on the Runway

5) I did some out reach at the point and while I was watching some of those beautiful TransPac sailing boats leaving to get out of here before those storms hit us. From my perch I saw a head bobbing towards the point in a bee line. R330 "Squinty" entered the outer pool like a torpedo. I heard him vocalize and come from no where I saw RO40 "Ka'ena" in there. He literally snuck in. He has FINALLY lost his cel-transmitter. He had it on for 6 months nearly to the day !!
They had harsh words to each other. "Squinty" left and "Ka'ena" sneaked out shortly after, again under my nose.

When I was heading out from far I saw a ship in the bay and lots of rain towards Kahuku Pt. Not common to see a ship here, then when I got home it was a NOAA ship right in front of the house ! Curious Jorge here will find out soon what they were doing here....

More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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