Thursday, July 25, 2019

July 25, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Point Update

It was a very emotional day for me, Team T&D helped me out more than I could put in words. Mahalo plenty to my HMSeal Ohana for being there.
((( hugs ))))
While I was waiting for them to arrive I spend quality time watching the 2 brothers RK88 "Puna" (15 months old) and RL20 "Kalua" (to be 3 months old) playing in the water. You can tell how long and how hard they playing by the position we found them on our way back from our hike. I checked on them in the afternoon and they hadn't moved an inch.

As we headed to the point Dave spotted a seal in a little cove. It was RG28 "Lefty" (one of "Pohaku's" kids). He had the cove to himself. His new CC is healing well, although the location seems to be in a very uncomfortable place. He already has so many half moons and moons scars on his bellie, that it makes one wonder if he gets them all in the same place he goes foraging...

Before we made it to the point, Dave found a dead shark. We went to check it and saw a big Ulua hook in it's mouth. Shark had very clear White Tips on dorsal fin and tail

RO40 "Ka'ena" was hauled out at the entrance of his pool.

We spent some time at the point doing outreach then went around to check the last Albatross chick.

When I though I was going to get some rest, back out I went on a rescue with all the teams. Turned out to be a possible broken wrist from a fall, and I got to meet a cool family.  More soon ğŸŒº

Dead Shark -  Hook in shark's mouth
 RG28 "Lefty" 
 RK88 Puna & RL20 

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