Wednesday, July 24, 2019

July 24, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Aloha all,
In the last couple of days the only seals I've seen have been the brothers RK88 "Puna"and RL20 "Kalua"
Today wasn't different, it started of with "Kalua" foraging near the parking lot and later hauled out on a small beach.
I had some guests and they were thrilled to see him.
Later we found "Puna" in small cove half way into the permitted area. He was still there on our way out and showed us his bellie. There's no sign of molt on the kid. He has definitely put on some weight and is looking good. 

Also at Hidden Beach I saw several trails mid beach - I hadn't seen those since Winter. Fishermen posses told me 2 seals (the classic:a mom and a pup) had swam by them 10 minutes before I got there.
At the point we were skunked by were able to see possibly the last Albatross chick doing flying trials. It was very entertaining and we held our laughs back, not so much with the concern of disturbing him but more for him not to be embarrassed. So NOT... I just made that up, it was entertaining and we were quiet.   More tomorrow ğŸŒº


Well when you try to wrap up to early Murphy kicks in and sends you 2 more seals.
Late afternoon on a last check I saw 2 big seals down the beach in front. Went over to ID them. First one was easy with his shaved bellie and a deck of cards...I mean tags RW02 "PVKauai". The second seal R016 "Right Spot" took a while to ID. Although I saw her NB on the right side there was a notch on her RFF that was putting me off a little. I, honestly, had to call our team to double check on it for me. Bellie down on the sand so I couldn't see the other scars. 
Yup confirmation on her ID came shortly. Then of course a couple of minutes later she
turned over and showed me her chest scar.
Sorry to say but our Dame doesn't look pregnant. She is a big seal so she can fool us, but her neck and shoulders are visible and her bellie isn't stretched out. Aunty Di probably won't have her over this season.
I went over for a last check on the pup RL20 "Kalua" he was hauled out and in a deep sleep - probably tugged up for the night.
Wrapped up with a beautiful sunset   More in the morning ğŸŒº

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