To start today's dailies we want to wish Ka'ena a very Happy Birthday. He is officially a teenager at 13 years old today.
Team Billand started their morning early and found RH92 right where she was yesterday. She was alone and full of poop and flies. There was a man and woman with their leashed dog, the man kept making noises and taking pictures with his cell phone. RH92 looked up many times between the man and the dog barking.
They went back just before 9 am and she was gone.
Next stop at a west side beach and found RN14 Kalani. There was a volunteer on site trying to get the ID, and Team Billand was able to help, Team Billand stayed for a bit hoping another critter would show up, but no such luck.
Team Billand made the Ka'ena west trek and they found RL42 Leia sleeping. Her applied bleach, and tags were showing. Wondering if she is due to molt soon.
Team Billand came across a dead turtle at the 20, it had a line wrapped around it's mouth. So sad!
The last seal today was seen after leaving Ka'ena West and they were heading out. The seal was sleeping didn't move and wasn't there before their trek. They spot a scar over the eye and ID RIP RR70.
Marilyn did the Ka'ena hike this morning and then went to Makai Pier from 2:45 to 4:15. Upon first look of Rabbit Island she spotted two seals.
Unknown Juvenile Female (UJF) at left point beach about 40 feet right of the 1BS, female belly and very green juvenile size, with two tags.
Unknown Male (UM) at the middle of Middle Cliff area, adult size, male belly, possible one chipped tag.

Just before 4 pm Marilyn became aware of a 4th seal in the Rocky right beach area. This is ID'd as a UU unknown unknown. She never saw the belly nor did she see any tags, and estimated to be about sub-adult to adult size.
The Masked Booby is still in the same location on the Lanikai side of the island.
Happy Birthday Ka'ena
RN14 Kalani
RL42 Leia
R405 bleached 10
Unknown Juvenile Female
unknown U/U
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