Vicki sent photos of PO3 from yesterday. She had gone for a visit and thought she was going to get skunked but then the little bugger hauled out to his birth beach.
Vicki also sent photos of Kaiwi RK96 from this morning. She is looking quite beautiful with her new shiny coat.
He was slow to come in, laying on his side, on his belly then on his back in the shallows. They were able to ID RIP RR70. All and all it took him 20 minutes to haul up on lower rock.
Now a third seal appears, coming in between the rocks to haul in, away from RIP. Here come Kekoa Alii RK72 and he stayed right there to sleep.
Three dudes all together resting quietly. Team Billand moved on to check other beaches and to see if Pohaku was around.
On Team Billand next check on the boys, they only see one seal all the way to the right side. They're pretty sure it's RIP resting as the waves were covering him now and then.
Suddenly a second seal appears, bobbing his head looking and looking. This appears to be Kekoa and RIP isn't too happy to see him.
Kekoa got a very vocal and some hind flipper tosses, then he took off.
As for RIP he was not happy and he also left the area.
Team Billand called the hotline and stayed to educate people let them know she was pregnant and to give her some space.
Volunteer arrived, Team Billand stuck around to see Pohaku settle down and rest. They left at 3:20 and called it a day.
I had the pleasure of meeting up with my friend Tammy today. Our plan was to check out PO3 and then have lunch. Tammy found out through Tracy that today was the weaner's big day to get tagged. Tammy arrived on site before me to check his location, she did find him but became immediately concerned as he had fishing line wrapped around him in one of the coves. She called Tracy to inform her and was told, they were on their way and bringing all the necessary equipment.
I had just arrived on site and poor Tammy was panicked, but at this time I was having a hard time seeing any line at all. We watched him for close to an hour and it appears the bugger tossed whatever line he had around him. ( which makes me think this area could use an underwater clean up).
The team arrived and assessed the situation, but as luck would have it, the tide was rising and the wave coming in over the rocks forced the kid to move. He took his time swimming about, but finally hauled out just inside the SRA. The NOAA team of 4 women went to work. This weaner put up a fight and gave them a run for their money. I credit Thea for having the strength to keep this kid down as much as he tried to toss, lunge and bite at them.
Some folks may get upset by something like this, but honestly this is the best of the situation where the young seal wants nothing to do with people and will defend himself if someone messes with him.
He was tagged with RL36/37, and as soon as the Team dispersed he was happy to show off his new bling.
Thank you NOAA for the great job, and Thank you Tammy for hanging out with me today, and taking some cool pictures. Also sorry the kid gave you a mini heart attack this morning.
PO3 on Thursday
Kaiwi RK96
Look at the beautiful new coat
Kekoa RK72
Later visit Kekoa
the two of them face to face
Pohaku RO28
Okay Girlfriend get your pregnant self over to Kauai!
PO3 with some line - just to scare Auntie Tammy
PO3 no line - just before he get's his bling
NOAA Team on approach
Look at me!
What the heck is that ?
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