Tammy of Team T&D covered a lot of territory today. She began her morning at 6:30 with Pohaku RO28 and PO5 Nanea. Mom and pup were in the water when she arrived. Team Billand arrived shortly after that. Tammy hung out with Team Billand for a couple of hours, which doesn't happen to often.
Tammy headed out about 10:30 and picked up Dave, they headed up to the north shore. They got to see Right Spot R016 in one of her favorite spots. There were signs up, so it appears a volunteer had been on site.
Team Billand was stuck in west side traffic at 6 this morning, of course they couldn't resist the opportunity to pull over and check a few spots. They were very happy to find Kekoa Alii RK72 and Lei Ola on the rocks to the right.
Team Billand finally got to Pohaku and Nanea and met up with Tammy ( as Barbara said, best cookie maker ever). Mom and pup were in the water, Pohaku took the pup towards the right side, just 20 ft of the outlet to the open ocean. Mom and pup went in the little opening and went up on the reef. It was was a 0.2 tide, Nanea enjoyed being there a lot with Mom close by. It was a little spooky as some waves came in, but Pohaku kept close watch.
The water session was very long, almost two hours long. Finally Mom came a shore on birth beach to nurse, and they got some sleep time.
Robert retrieved some ropes and signs in the water and handed them over to volunteer Christina. Team Billand left at 10:40 to look for other seals.
They returned at 2:55 and they found Mom and Pup were on shore at birth beach. Nanea wanted to eat, Mom presented herself, but the pup kept rolling down hill. There was an incline that kept the pup from reaching Mom.
After the nursing both of them fell asleep, until Mom suddenly moved and entered the water. Nanea followed and the now the tide was high, waves crashing way up. Mom brought the pup over to the right close to a tree where Team Billand was watching. Then Pohaku turned around and went back to birth beach, pup followed and they landed. Team Billand called it a day at 4:30.
I decided to make a quick stop to Makai pier this afternoon. Since the weather and conditions aren't suppose to be great the next few days I figured I would make the best of it. It was clear and sunny, but sitting on the pier it was very windy and the surf was high and choppy.
I found three seals today. First seal was to the right of the first blue sign high up on the berm on a sandy patch between the naupaka. An adult size critter that rolled over and gave me a good view of her female belly and two tags. She is being reported as an UF. At one point she looked as though she was going to get into the water, but turned around and went back up to higher ground.
Last seal was a UJ (unknown juvenile) with an older coat with a very green face. The UJ was about 30 feet to the right of the UU. The little one barely moved at all. About 10 minutes before I packed up the UU galumphed down to the UJ. There was no interaction and the UJ did not react in anyway.
One more critter to add to Rabbit Island is a masked booby on the hillside. It appears to be the chick that has grown quite a bit. I only saw one booby ... lol.
Pohaku RO28 and Nanea PO5
RL36 rocking and rolling
Right Spot R016
Kekoa Alii RK72
Lei Ola RH48
Pohaku and Nanea
It's an uphill battle
UF at Rabbit Island
UU approaching UJ
Masked Booby chick
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