Team Billand was out at 6:15 am looking for Pohaku and headed over to the lagoon, and there she was in all her glory on shore alone, right by the tourist canoe. Security scrambled for signs and ropes, and Robert went down to their car to get a rope.
They quickly started educating all the folks standing around and were very curious about the monk seal laying there. There were soooo many questions, and Team Billand did their best to educate and provide her history.
Team Billand watched and ran along the shore line to see where she was heading, finally it looked like she was out by Paradise Cove. There were tourist on site and some were snorkeling and got pretty close to her. Barbara called the hotline again to update.
A nice lady who knew that they were trying to do, offered to help. Team Billand ran and got the signs and "Judy" (nice lady) watched over Pohaku. Volunteers arrived Team Billand informed them what was going on, meanwhile Pohaku made it to the left corner wedged in rocks, semi submerged.
They kept folks from going to that location with out signs, just working together. AT 9:30 Team Billand left for breakfast and volunteer Karen remained.
At 11 am Team Billand went back to paradise cove and now Pohaku was on shore by the Luau site with ropes and signs up. Pohaku was alert but resting.
At 11:30 Team Billand left and did not return, so they could check on their other flipper kids.

Barbara spoke to one woman who said there were other seals fighting early morning like 4 am ( lol to me that the middle of the night). It was too dark to see but she said they made a lot of noise.

When he returned he made it up on the rocks which he seems to enjoy. The tide was coming and fast and the surf was pounding. RL36 made a few position changes on the rocks to avoid the water, but still continue to snooze.
All and all Melody spent a couple hours watching this chubby boy.
Pohaku RO28
The new SRA - LOL
very sweet - she's using the rock as a head rest
RH48 Lei Ola and RN14 Kalani
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