Vicki spent Sunday with new weaner neaner PO3. He is fat and happy keeping himself amused. Vicki then went looking for K80 but instead she found some young albatross losing their baby feathers.

Team Billand was at the outfall just after 6 this morning. They spotted two seals in the outfall, one playing with a potato chip bag on its head, who I shall call Mr. Potato Head. ( my money is on Ka'ale).
One seal in the outfall was Ka'ale RH32 and the other seal was RN14 Kalani. Although Barbara said there wasn't any good pictures of RN14. A third seal arrived and reported as a UU and none of the photos gave any indication who this might be, other seal had tags and a clean coat.
Ka'ale would be the only seal who stayed in the outfall foraging (gorging), the other two took off.
Team Billand's next stop at a close by westside location where they found RG28 was there alone on the rocks.
On their second visit they see that RN14 Kalani had joined RG28. Kalani got too close to RG28 and they argued until RG28 entered the pond. Kalani followed RG28 who then pooped on the rocks. (Guess he was sending a message). This didn't stop RN14 Kalani who kept after RG28. They hugged, vocalized and both went to sleep.
Last visit of the day they were both still there snoozing.
Next sighting was just before noon, at another west side location. They had been waiting for a while for a critter and waited. In the meantime a couple of volunteers came by to see if there were any seals, nope, not yet. Volunteers left the site and Team Billand waited some more, just as they were walking away with one last turn to look and there was a critter. The beautiful Lei Ola RH48 came up on lower rock and that is where she stayed for the day.
Despite the heat, Team Billand made the Ka'ena West trek, thinking they would make a quick look.
At the 30 they spotted a seal and trying to get an ID. Volunteer Melina and Kristina arrived, and Melina informed them that there had been a call about a hooked seal.
Melina and Barbara walked down the cliff and it was hot on the rocks, and the two of them were feeling the heat. Barbara was able to get a couple of pictures of the seal and could see an egg lead with a metal pigtail sticking out of the right corner of the mouth. Barbara did not see a hook or any leader line. She informed Kristina and Melina was she saw.
When Barbara got back up the cliff, Melina was ground exhausted and dehydrated. They got her up and started to walk when Melina felt ill and wasn't walking well. They kept her calm and told her to drink water. Then Barbara told Kristina to call the lifeguards right away, that Melina needed water and gator-ade right away. Lifeguards came out right away with water and got Melina to drink and took her out on the quad. Barbara and Kristina walked out on their own. THIS should be a reminder to all of us that during this heat, no matter where you are, make sure you have water with you!
So back to our hooked seal, Barbara was able to figure out it was RW02 PvKauai and he remained in shallow waters. Hopefully a NOAA team can get to him soon.
Weaner Neaner PO3
typical weaner position
Ka'ale @ Outfall
UU and Mr. Potato Head
RG28 & RN14 Kalani
Lei Ola RH48
RW02 PvKauai Hook
Hi,just have to say:
I arrived at the site of seal...didnt know who it was. Then Melina came up to me, they were ALREADY there...trying to ID said seal too. She said they got a call of a hooked seal. I had no idea...I was just doing my regular Kaena West Trek.
Let me tell ya, those rocks below were SO HOT, it was difficult to SIT on them...unbearable HEAT.
And thanks Kristina Of HMAR for the sip of WATER which I didnt take as I thought it would be a QUICKIE CHECK...but after hearing of a HOOKED SEAL..I was staying to help make the id.
Hope Melina will be ok...and I swear, I wont go out there again, WITHOUT WATER.
Prayers to RW02!!!
Hi, yes Barbara, take your water every time, even if you think it will be a short stop. :) We just never know how long we will be out there. I just want to say thank you for your concerns and I am doing better today, stayed out of the sun and rested. I had water with me at Ka'ena, but it was so hot out there, it boiled inside my tumbler (I didn't have my usual flask that keeps it all cold). And yes, those black lava rocks were hotter than fire as RW02 rested in the tide pool. I want to thank Barbara B. for holding her umbrella over me for shade and sticking close by, and Kristina (HMAR hotline manager), for staying close, calling for help, sharing water, water over my head and a snack while we waited for ocean safety to drive in to help. I also want to thank ocean safety for their quick response into the hiking trail, the ice cold water he brought to us all and driving me out and being so concerned for us. Also, thanks to Nico (HMAR field response manager) for getting to Yokohamas where I was parked and bringing cold water and orange juice. It sure does take a village to help the marine animals and sometimes help the humans who help them.
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