In yesterday's news Vicki went up to Turtle Bay and visited with the albatross. She noted that one of the 3 has fledged.
She also got to visit with RL36 formerly known as PO3. All while she was there he was snoozing away being cute.

I made it out to the pier today late afternoon. Although there was a clearing in the skies, water conditions were choppy and a high tide, not the best for viewing. I only spent 45 minutes and spotted one very chubby juvenile, with a dark green coat and tags. I was unable to determine gender, but would love to know who this little chub is.
The masked boobie is still on the upper edge of the island. I could clearly see the adult, and "think" I spotted the chick, but I wouldn't bet a cat on it.
I was getting ready to leave when I spotted a critter hauling out by middle cliff. Waiting for a moment it was clear it was PO4. He hauled up and looked like he would settle. The waves were crashing too close to the pier so, I didn't wait around.
Team Billand got to KoOlina at 6 am this morning and Security was just putting up the zone. Team Billand helped by providing them with some rope they had. Pohaku moved to the waters edge around 8:45 and swam off in the lagoon. She went all the across to the other side, but there were lots of people and she came back to her original spot. Then she swam off again.
At that point they lost site of her, until they found her back in the Lagoon rolling about. Volunteer Melina was onsite, and along with Security they all went looking for Pohaku. They spotted her in the water going out of the area heading west. This was at 10:15 so Team Billand left the area hoping she was on her way to Kauai.
Around noon Team Billand got word that Pohaku was back int he area. (she's going to give all her aunties a heart attack).
Just before 11 am Team Billand arrived at a west side location where they found RN14 Kalani on the rocks alone, resting. There were some men hanging out on the rocks, so Team Billand waited until they left.
Onward and upward to another westside location Team Billand found Kekoa Alii RK72 on high rocks to the left alone. They also see Lei Ola RH48 to the right on the rocks alone.
Team Billand went back about 4 pm and spotted two seals in the ponds, and then saw Lei Ola galumph out on the rocks followed by Kekoa. Both lay out on the rocks. It looked as though Lei Ola was ready to leave Kekoa was right behind her. They waited for 30 minutes and both seals looked as though they were getting ready leave. Team Billand called it a day.
In between their visit to Kekoa and Lei Ola at 2:45 pm they found RL42 Leia at Yoks. She was way up on shore. They called the hotline to inform.
She was visited by a dog and it's owner. They took some pictures, and the dog kept barking so they left.
A local dude walked up to to take a picture with his cell phone, and she reacted by leaping in the air and barking at him. WAY TO GO! The man left. Other folks that came by were more respectful.
Albatross chick
RL36/37 resting looking cute
Masked Booby
PO4 weaner
Chubby Green Juvenile
RN14 Kalani
Kekoa Alii RK72
Lei Ola RH48
Kekoa and Lei Ola
RL42 Leia
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