Yesterday on the fourth I bumped into lots of folks I hadn't seen in a while. One of them was an old friend who kayaks and we got to talking about RJ30 hanging out on Moku Nui. I was explaining how we have a new weaner on Rabbit Island so to keep her eyes open. Well today I got news that three critters were on Moku Nui. (and no I don't think one of them is our new weaner) but it was nice to see RJ30 seems to have friends regularly stopping by.
Team Billand went to the outfall at 6 am and there was our Ka'ale in the outfall. They watched him for almost two hours, doing his thing stealing fish and stuffing his face. Then he hauled out at a location close by and Team Billand watched as he went up the rocks, he's pretty fat these days it's a wonder he didn't bounce off. They rechecked on him and was still there sleeping peacefully.
There they found RG28, he was already hauled out in the water hole snoozing alone.
The next critter they found was on their Ka'ena West Trek. They spotted something in the water, but it was hard to see and finally they seal it's a seal. A seal with a bleach 10, this is the new kid in the neighborhood R405. They watched as people walked down the cliff, but to their relief all were respectful.
Then at Ka'ena West they also found the beautiful Miss RL42 Leia just before 3 pm. They were walking looking at all the rocks and there she was snuggled against the rocks with her beautiful applied bleach number showing. She was just around the corner from R405.
Some tourist came and started to clap their hands to get the seals attention. Team Billand gave them a quick monk seal 101, all was better. The tourist left and Team Billand decided it was a good time to go.
On their way home just before 5 pm they spotted a seal on the shore, so they pulled over. It's RH92, she is looking a little smaller today but resting on her own. They notified the hotline.
Ka'ale RH32
Look at this face!
RL42 Leia
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