Thursday, August 1, 2019

August 1, 2019 (part 2 ) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was one of those full and busy days out here. As usual in these reports I only write about the HMSeal world and some other wildlife.

On my way to meet Team T&D to head out to the point I found RG40 "Holokai" overnighted at BB/Mokuleia, there were other trails on the beach so he had company last night.
We checked for RL20 "Kalua" but he was out foraging

We found RN58 "Luana" at Hidden Beach exactly where I saw her yesterday. She may be starting her molt. On our way back and on a late afternoon "rescue" I had to go out for, she was still there.

RO40 "Ka'ena" was on the Runway. While documenting him I noticed a cut on his RLF outer digit. At first it looked like a tag had been torn off be all 2&1/2 tags are still there. We didn't have a chance to see his back.
RG28 "Lefty" was on the waterline of one of the new beaches of Main Beach (we doubt he would stay there for long), he turned briefly and his molt is near the 10%.

R333 "Hunk" was released with new blings 3CK / 3CL his ID remains R333 and a satellite transmitter to go along with his "10" bleach. He swam away peacefully. If we see him around again he will be easy to ID ğŸ˜‰
Big mahalos to NOAA's team for another successful one.

We went back and followed RG40 "Holokai" & RL20 "Kalua" playing in the water for over an hour. Holokai was the gentle giant and Kalua the rascal. finally Holokai" dodged he little fellow and headed out North.
In the late afternoon I found RL20 "Kalua" sleeping peacefully at BB/Mokuleia.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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