Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August 9, 2023 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Posse Pal Tammy, Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Posse Pal Tammy went to check the point today with Lesley. Their first finds were RK42 (Kauai female) and RL74 Kami.  Looks like RL74 has finally started her molt.
At the point they had two males. RO40 Ka'ena had just entered his pool as they arrived. Squinty R330 was doing his thing that he has been doing for the past week. He was swimming up and down the coast checking out all the nooks and crannies, who knows what he's looking for. 
Wedge-Tailed Shearwater chicks have begun hatching. They saw several fluff balls.
Lastly weaner RS20 had hauled out.

Team R&B went to check on the two ladies and once again they were together. They were up by the grassy area until RL70 Leina want to move to her pond. But fat lady Kala RH76 was in her way, moving an inch at a time.  RL70 sniffed Kala's hind side which got her up and moving.  
Leina RL70 is now over 30% into her molt. She is looking quite goofy right now.

Next they stopped at another west side location and initially didn't see any seals. They walked around and there way up inland was one seal resting.  There was RM31 Kai alone resting. The surf was insanely high covering the rocks.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:25 to 2:25 and there were five seals on island today.
At the back of LPB was Adult Female 1: adult size, new coat, light gray female belly and two red tags.

In the middle of LPB was Adult Female 2: adult size, older coat,  dark female belly with some lighter patches and two red tags.

At about 1:00 and Adult Male hauled out to A/F2. They had a few words and then more or less ignored each other. The A/M: adult size, dark coat and dark male belly with at least one red tag.

Near SRI were two seals:
RP24 Mohala: juvenile female, about 90% molted, light female belly, two red tags and nb on the end of her LFF. She appears to have some old fur on her rear dorsal area.
Subadult Female: subadult to adult size, older coat with tannish-yellow female belly and two red tags.

Kala & Leina
Rabbit Island

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