Tuesday, August 15, 2023

August 15, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:33 to 2:15 and there were six seals on island.
On LPB a weaner hauled out about 1:15 and only made its right side visible. Marilyn is pretty sure its one of the weaners just unable to determine which one.

In the middle of LPB near the waterline was RK37 Huia: new coat, light gray female belly, two red tags and nb on lower left side.

Near 3BS was an Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size, older coat, light gray ventral with some green and two tags.  About 1:50 pm, RP24 Mohala hauled out near the UJ. The UJ was aware of her but they did not interact.
RP24: juvenile size, new coat, light gray female belly, two red tags and NB on the tip of her LFF.

RP24 had started out with a Subadult Female on the rock flats adjacent to SRI. They both moved up into the sand.
SF: subadult size, older coat with a tannish yellow female belly and two red tags. She may have a line scar on her upper right chest.

Out on RRB was RQ44 Mahina: juvenile size, old coat with lots of green, green female belly. It looks like she has some sort of scar or dark pigmentation on the left side of her neck.

Team R&B had some car trouble so they didn't have time to check all the beaches.  BUT....... later in the day they went to look and found one seal.
They spotted RL70 Leina galumphing from the grassy area to the lower rocks. She had completed her molt. Today she was alone and her buddy Kala wasn't seen today.  Too bad the BFFs have gone their separate ways.

Rabbit Island
RL70 Leina

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