Saturday, August 19, 2023

August 19, 2023 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 1:45 and there were two seals on island today. Also being the beautiful day that is was there were two Hawaii Surf Club outrigger canoes with female paddlers that passed Rabbit Island.

Initially the only seal on island was the molting Subadult Female: subadult to adult size, now about 35% molted on her middle to upper chest, female belly and two red tags.

At 12:41 Marilyn became aware that RP24 Mohala had hauled out among the small boulders between 3BS and SRI. She didn't give Marilyn any good views, but the nb at the tip of her LFF showed up clearly in some of the photos. RP24: juvenile size, new coat, light gray female belly, two red tags and her nb.

Team R&B headed over to the bay to check and sure enough Miss Kala RH76 was there.  She was looking around and then moved to a spot where she has been hanging out in the small pond.  Her molt is going amazingly fast she's maybe about 35% molted.

Along with Kala were the dolphins putting on a show.

Then they noticed another seal and they were surprised to find RG32.  Team R&B think he might be starting his molt, time will tell. He was in a position that made getting his ID a challenge, plus he has no tags.

Rabbit Island

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