Thursday, August 3, 2023

August 3, 2023 (part 2) In Memory of Benny RE74 and Pohaku RO28

Thanks to Dana for following up on the remains of Benny RE74 and Pohaku RO28. Auntie Nettie was there to bless their ashes before they were returned to the ocean. And to all the volunteers that were there to remember the two seals and participated saying a few words to remember them.

The ceremony was also attended by two seals. Auntie Nettie was surprised to see them in that they usually show up a little later. The two seals were RN14 Kalani and RL12 Aukai, perhaps to say their goodbyes. After the ashes were scattered in the water, RN14 decided to roll into the water (just like Benny use to) then he went over by the rocks and swam through and rolled in the spot where the ashes were scattered.  Perhaps they know more than we give them credit for.

Thank you Melody for sharing!!

(this is such a Benny pose)

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