Thursday, August 24, 2023

August 24, 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn sent her Rabbit Island update from yesterday's sightings, she did not view Rabbit Island today.
There were five seals seen yesterday.

Out on the Lanikai side of LPB was a Juvenile Female 1: larger juvenile to small subadult size, older coat with light female belly and two red tags. It is possible there is something hanging from her mouth.

At about 1:17 pm an Adult Male seal hauled out to JF1 and spent a short while there before galumphing a good distance in the Makapuu direction to Juvenile Female 2 and the molting Subadult Female. The AM was large adult size, dark brown male belly and at least one red tag. He entered the water about 1:37 om and Marilyn saw him in the water between 3BS and SRI about five minutes later and then he wasn't seen again.

Juvenile Female 2: juvenile size, older coat, light brown female belly and two red tags. In some photos it appears she has a scar on her mid right side.

The molting Subadult Female is now about 70% molted with the ventral completely molted, her head is molted and part way up her sides.

At 1:38 pm Marilyn became aware that a small seal had hauled out at RRB. Marilyn labeled this seal Juvenile Female 3, but it may be one of the weaners. Juvenile or weaner size, light female belly and two tags.

Team R&B had a late start today, but they made it out to find two seals at the bay. The first seal was
Kala RH76 alone in her pond.
Walking to the other end they found Lei Ola RH48 in the same spot as yesterday. She has a brand new coat and looking beautiful. They noted they did not see any line or hook from her mouth.

They did a lot of searching all the way to yoks and didn't find any other seals. They headed back to the bay to check on Kala and Lei Ola only this time there was another seal. There was Leina RL70 with her BFF Kala. Leina galumphed all the way up to the grassy spot to rest.  

At another west side location they found RM31 Kai. He was alone on seal inlet area to the right looking green.
All the way to the right at the water front rocks was a seal who was well hidden. They didn't see any tags, clean right side is all they had to go on. They couldn't say for sure but thought maybe R416. They reported the seal as an Unknown/Unidentified.

Rabbit Island
RH76 kala
RH48 Lei Ola
RL70 Leina & RH76 Kala
RM31 Kai
Unknown Unidentified

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