Monday, August 21, 2023

August 21, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:45 to 2:55 and there were four seal during her observations.
On LPB was an Adult Male: large adult size, older coat, dark male belly and at least one red tag. Marilyn noted a C scar above and behind the RFF..

At 1:17, Marilyn saw who she believes to be RP24 Mohala had
hauled out about 20 feet away from the molting Subadult Female. RP24: juvenile size, new coat, light gray female belly, two tags and NB on top of LFF.

The S/F appears to be about 50% molted. SF: subadult size, medium gray belly and two red tags. It appears she has some "cracks" in her fur on the rear dorsal area.

Initially part way out on the rock flats at SRI was an Adult Female: adult size, older coat, tan female belly and possibly two red tags. She hauled up onto the beach from SRI about 2 pm.

Team R&B went to the bay to check on Kala. She was there way up in the grassy spot once again. They also spotted a boobie resting. Then a funny thing happen they witnessed two blonds shooting the bull. 

At another west side location they spotted a seal galumphing up on waterfront rocks. There was RM31 Kai looking quite green and handsome. 

Rabbit Island
Kala RH76
resting boobie
RM31 Kai

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