Friday, August 18, 2023

August 18, 2023 Fridays Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit ISland from 12:20 to 2:05 and there were four seals all lined up near the 1BS.

Adult Female: adult size, new coat, light gray female belly and two red tags. The AF entered the water about 12:30 and was not seen again.

RP24 Mohala: juvenile size, new coat, light gray female belly, two red tags and a nb on the tip of her
LFF. She moved in the Lanikai direction when the AM moved toward her and then entered the water and hauled out again alone on the LPB.

Adult Male: adult size, dark male belly and two red tags. His coat is so dark it was difficult to confirm his sex.

Subadult Female: subadult to adult size, old coat, tannish female belly and two red tags. She appears to have just started to molt in the middle of her chest, only about 5%.

Team R&B headed over to the bay to check on Miss Kala. RH76 Kala is molting and already her chest is opening up, so far seems to be moving along quickly.
Then much to their surprise was a second seal. It was Lei Ola RH48 looking good and healthy. Then they noticed a hook with a short line on the right side of her mouth bottom lip.  She seems okay, as she was resting. The hotline and NOAA was notified.

At another location they were looking and spotted something shiny
moving on the rocks. There was R406 hauling up. Her many scars were all visible, and in spite of her scars she's still a good looking female.  One does wonder how she ends up with all these scars.
Since there are camp sites with folks and their dogs, Team R&B decided to not stick around so they wouldn't attract attention to R406.

Rabbit Island
RH76 Kala
RH48 Lei Ola

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