Saturday, August 5, 2023

August 3, 2023 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn only had an hour to view Rabbit Island and during that time there were two seals seen.

On the beach near 3BS was an Unknown Juvenile or Weaner: small juvenile or weaner size, two red tags, lighter ventral, unsure about its sex.

On the rock flats behind SRI was RP24 Mohala (RF34 Pua's pup from 3/20/2021: juvenile size, older
coat on dorsal surface. light gray female belly, two red tags and nb on tip of LFF. She is about 50% molted, most of the dorsal surface is old coat and the ventral appears to be completely molted.  Initially Marilyn thought the LFF might have an injury until she realized it was a nb. 

Team R&B had a decent seal day. They started it off by checking on Kala and Leina. Miss Kala RH76 moved to the rocks and then into a pond to rest.
Miss Leina was close by again, but in her own pond. Just two ladies getting some spa treatment :-)

At another west side location they initially found one seal. There was R416 to the right alone. Seems he was enjoying his peace and quiet.
Same location but playing in the water were two seals. Neither one ever hauled out so it made getting an ID a challenge.  They were able to ID RM31 Kai but couldn't get the other bugga. The only thing they could tell was it seemed to be about the same size.

Rabbit Island
Unknown & RM31 playing

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