Friday, April 21, 2023

April 21, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Happy Aloha Friday!  Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B and Marilyn.

Team R&B spent the whole day looking and they only found two seals at one location.  Kala RH76 and RL08 were together on seal inlet.
The only other action they saw today were some military training maneuvers.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:35 to 1:40 and there were eight seals on island.
On LPB were RB12 Sadie and PO4. They entered the water for a swim about 12:08 and hauled out again about 1:24. Both Mom and Pup are doing fine.
RF34 Pua and PO3 were in the water for the first hour of Marilyn's viewing session. They finally hauled out near the 2BS at 12:13. PO4 nursed for quite a while and then crawled up on higher to the beach. They entered the water again when Marilyn was packing up. At first Mom took off without the PO3 and it took the kidd awhile to figure out where mom had gone. Then PO3 figured it out and joined her.
Almost directly down from the 3BS was an Unknown Juvenile. Juvenile size, two red tags and light ventral side, unsure about tags.
On the rock flats near SRI were two seals:
Subadult Female: larger juvenile to smaller subadult size, light gray female belly and two red tags. She appeared to have a small NB at the tip of her RFF. 
Adult Female: adult size, light greenish gray female belly and two red tags. She appears to have a small pit scar on her mid right side.
Earlier Marilyn had seen a glimpse of a unknown seal behind waterfront rocks between SRI and RRB. It never showed much and then Marilyn realized it disappeared about 12:55.  Shortly thereafter an Adult Male hauled out near the S/F and A/F.  The adult male was large adult size, dark male belly and no tags.

RH76 and RL08
Rabbit Island

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