Monday, April 17, 2023

April 17, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:05 to 3:05 and there were seven seals on island.
RB12 Sadie and PO4 were out on the rock flats of LPB for most of Marilyn's viewing session. The pup was hidden behind Sadie most of the time. Marilyn only saw PO4 before they entered the water sometime around 2:30. Marilyn continued viewing until Sadie and PO4 hauled out on LPB about 3 pm.

RF34 Pua and PO3 are slowing moving in the Lanikai direction. Today they were about 40 feet of the 2BS. They spent most of their time snoozing. PO3 did enter the water once but quickly hauled out. PO3's belly is beginning to lighten up, maybe Marilyn and determine its sex one of these days.

Initially on the rock flats next to SRI were two seals who moved up the beach later
One of the seals was an Adult Female: adult size, tannish gray female belly and two red tags.
Adult Male 1 - adult size, darker gray male belly and unsure about tags.

Marilyn had seen a seal in the water by Pua and PO3, she watched it move in the Makapuu direction. About 2:17 it hauled out and galumphed over to the A/F and A/M1. New arrival was Adult Male 2: adult size, medium gray male belly and two red tags.  
A/M 2 startled the A/F and then A/M 1 took exception to his presence and there were multiple interactions. A/M 2 eventually moved down the beach by himself.

Team R&B arrived at paradise cove to find RL08 in the shallows vocalizing loudly. Security got the
people out of the water. A second seal arrived and it turned out to be RG28 Lefty, and the two got into it. The tourists were excited taking out their phones, Security was on it telling them to keep back.
Finally after a while Lefty and RL08 landed. Security put out five signs, but very close to the seals. Team R&B asked if they could put them further, the security guard led them to believe they are doing what they were told to do by the volunteers.
Team R&B spotted two more seal coming in towards Lefty and RL08. They ID'd RL12 Aukai, but weren't sure who the 4th seal was. The U/U got into a fight with Lefty and RL08 took off. RL08 eventually came back. They stayed until 11:45 when a volunteer arrived.

On their first check at a west side location they found big fat Kala RH76. She was alone on the rocks.
They had gone back later for a second look and this time RL70 Leina was hidden way inland. She is looking quite healthy and beautiful.
From afar they could see a turtle on shore. Then there were the humans that had to get up too close and take their pictures.

They made a stop at the cliffs and found RM31 Kai. He was alone on the rocks looking good and healthy.

Rabbit Island
RL08 & RG28
RL12 & U/U
Aukai & Lefty
RL08 trying to haul out
Trio - RL12 - RG28 - RL08
Turtle and company

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