Sunday, May 1, 2022

05/01/2022 Sunday's Daily

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:35 to 1:15 and there were three seals on island today.
Out on the rock flats Lanikai side of LPB was an unknown subadult: U/S - subadult size, never saw its ventral size or rear flippers, so gender and tags are unknown. The U/S moved up onto LPB but was partially hidden by a sand berm.
About 50 feet Lanikai side of the 3BS was a J/F: juvenile size, light female belly, unsure about tags.
Initially on the rock flats by SRI S/F: subadult size, light tan female belly and at least one red tag.

Team R&B started their day responding to a call of a seal hauled out. When they arrived they found Kaale RH32 snoozing on the rocks.  They called the hotline.  A number of short signs were up. They hung around for a bit and educated folks who were interested in the seal.
Then a second seal came slithering in slowly and approached Kaale. It was his ole' bosom buddy RN14 Kalani. They had a few whoops and then N14 came to the shore line. Team R&B went over to get the people to back away and give him room, but RN14 decided to go up on the rocks to the right of Kaale.
The two settled down and were snoozing.
Once again Team R&B were educating people, asking them to let the seals rest, not to go near them. And suddenly there was a big roar !!!  And now there is a third seal !
It was Lefty RG28 approaching Kalani who wasn't happy. Lefty rolled over and over on his side, not wanting to fight.  Lefty went to visit Kaale, then all three seals went in the water. They hung out by the rocks for a bit and then all three left the area. Team R&B called the hotline yet again to inform them.

Team R&B went to another site and there on the rock was R07M formerly known as L7. He's starting to get really green. 
Suddenly RG28 arrived and galumphs up to R07M. Lefty is sniffing the boy up and down and plops his fat head on R07M, and they argue.  Meanwhile Kalani RN14 arrives and is in the shallows.

At another west side location they only found one little seal. There was RP84 Pe'ekai who was on lower rocks alone resting peacefully.

Lastly Team R&B saw a gentleman that they have become friends with, he took them to a spot where he had seen a small seal. They went to check it out and were thrilled and surprised it was RP30 Puka. He was well hidden in the rocks. There were a few fishers in the area, and Puka was aware but he just stayed hidden away.

Rabbit Island
RG28 arrives near N14
RG28 approaches RH32
goes back to Kalani
TRIO leaving the area
Lefty arrive and finds R07M
Kalani in the shallows
RP30 Puka

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