Sunday, May 15, 2022

05/15/2022 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:45 to 2:30 and there were two seals on island.
When she first started viewing there was only one seal on the rock flats behind SRI.
J/F: juvenile size, silvery female belly and two red tags.
At about 1:45 Marilyn became aware that another seal had hauled out near the Juvenile Female.
The newcomer was an A/M: adult size, dark gray male belly, not sure about tags. He initially buried his head in the sand, but ultimately rolled over so his male belly was visible.

Team R&B finally found RL20 hauled out and he was with RM31 Kai.  They found each other, RM31 was cute wanting to be near RL20. RL20 was like no way, galumphed into a crack in the rocks, he was in there pretty tight. Then RM31 went and dove down into the little crack too. Both of their flippers were flopping and then they both came out to snooze next to each other.

At another west side location they found Pe'ekai RP84 alone. He was resting on the limu like yesterdaty because of the low tide.
Then to their surprise there was Benny RE74 to the right. He was also in snooze mode. Good ole' Benny.

Then Team R&B got a call from their posse pal protector letting them know a huge seal was on shore. She had put up a zone and was doing her best to keep folks back. Being a busy beach there were also dogs on the loose.  
When they arrived there was RL12 Aukai snoozing peacefully on the shore. She is looking quite fat and always beautiful. 
Team R&B stayed to educate people, everyone was good except one tourist walked up to her. Once they got his attention he was good about it.  When they finally left the site they watched from afar. And they not sure why but Aukai turned about and took off. She was done of the day too.

At another stop they saw Lei Ola RH48 and could hear her barking. They got to the edge and saw her moving about. Then they see another little guy it was RP30 Puka. 

When they did a recheck they saw Lei Ola moved to the left and Puka was next to her, very sweet.
Then again Lei Ola is molting so she is being grumpy and barking at him.

Rabbit Island
RL20 Kalua and RM31 Kai
Aukai RL12
Lei Ola RH48
RP30 Puka
Lei Ola and Puka

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