Tuesday, May 24, 2022

05/24/2022 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are short and sweet brought to you by Team R&B💕

It was not for lack of trying but Team R&B had searched all day and only came up with three seals for the day. 
Their first seal was RL20 Kalua. He was alone and hiding from the humans that were on the rocks. He was okay but they felt sorry for him hiding away.

Team R&B headed out to another area looking around and didn't see
anything. They were on the way back to the car when they saw a guy frantically waving to them. They were a little reluctant but went over to see what he wanted. Good thing they did because he pointed out two seals on the rocks!
The two seals were R3CX Nalu an RL42 Leia.  They were resting peacefully with each other.  So grateful to the guy that took the time to flag them down.
One additional bonus was spotting a honu on shore from afar.

RL20 Kalua
R3CX Nalu
RL42 Leia and Nalu

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