Saturday, May 21, 2022

05/21/2022 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 2:05 to 3:20 and there was only one seal during her observations.
Out on the rock flats Lanikai side of LPB was an Unknown Subadult U/S: subadult size, unsure of gender and at least one tag. The seal never showed its ventral side and hardly changed position while Marilyn was there.

Team R&B was running late to pick up junior sealette. Of course they still had to stop on their way. 
First find was one seal on the rocks alone. The seal was RL08.  
When they did a recheck they found RN14 Kalani was with RL08 on the rocks.

At another west side location they found RL70 to the right, seal inlet. She was alone and snoozing, looking a little chubbier than last time.
While viewing her they spotted Pe'ekai RP84 hauling in on the lower rocks. He's such a little cutie.

They headed over to the bay and initially didn't see any seals. They kept looking and they spotted RL20 barely visible. 

Next stop they saw an adult female, but they just couldn't figure out who it was. They made their trek to Ka'ena west with junior sealette. When they did a recheck two hours later they found RL42 alone and looking plump.

During their Ka'ena west trek they spotted a fat seal snoozing in the shallows. They weren't sure at first who it was, but then they saw the two lines on his back. It was R407 looking healthy. There were people around and thankfully they were respectable.

Their last sighting was the newly molted beautiful RH48. Lei Ola's tag was visible even if its hard to read. She is looking good in her new coat.

Rabbit Island
Pe'ekai RP84
Lei Ola

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